The Versatile Blogger Award


Hi Lovelies!

I was recently nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award by , and I wanted to thank her so very much for the nomination!


The Three Rules are…

1. Thank and link back to the blogger who nominated you.

2.  Share ten random facts about yourself

3. Nominate 10 bloggers who are fairly new to blogging

My 10 random facts about myself are:

1. I am in LOVE with pickles. Haha.. only dill pickles, not kosher or hot ones.. bleck!!

2. I am obsessed with watching Ciaoobelllaxo and Jaclyn Hill on YouTube. (y’all should definitely check out their channels! GREAT beauty tips and vids!!)

3. 2/3 of my tattoos are ones that my husband and I got together and that are of the same things. ❤

4. Our living room is covered in Fleur de lis!

5. I work for It Works! — as an Independent Distributor. (this is my second job) *If you are ever interested in products that promote health and wellness. It is a wonderful company to check out their products!! And y’all feel free to let me know if y’all are interested on how to check out their products!!

6. I have a candle addiction. I can NEVER quit buying them almost any time I go to a store since getting my new home. Nothing wrong with having a good-smelling home though, right? Haha!

7. My favorite drinks would have to be: Sweet Iced Tea, Frappuccino’s from Starbucks and Smoothies.

8. I graduated college with a degree in Occupational Therapy.

9. I danced from 2 yrs old throughout college. I was the captain of my high school’s Varsity Dance Line while in high school.

10. HGTV is the channel on my television 99% of the time. (while my husband is gone, haha.)

P.S. I am just going to tag bloggers who have recently started following me! Not necessarily if they are just “new” to blogging! If anyone that I have tagged has already done the tag previously, then leave me a comment and let me know so that I can check it out too! 😉

My 10 blog nominations are:

Hope you all enjoyed this post. Please go check out these other awesome bloggers. We all put a lot of hard work in what we type, so getting recognized is amazing. 🙂

Until next time, lovelies!



50 Random Questions Tag!


1. Would you rather be twice as smart or twice as happy?
 Hmm… I would have to say twice as happy! If you’re happy in life–what else matters? 🙂

2. What’s your worst habit?
 Talking to myselfffffff. Like, ridiculously. Haha! I think growing up as an only child, I was always so use to playing by myself and everything–guess the talking to myself just never rubbed off! Ha!

3. Are you dating?
 Married to the love of my life ❤

4. Do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?
 Nah.. my hubby does though! Haha! He says..  if we get it for free, then why not take it!

5. What is the one thing you’ll never do again?
 Hm.. eat pickled quail eggs. Yes.. you read me right. I’ve never been one to be hesitant to taste a new food. I’m pretty game to give anything a try at least once. But.. oh my….. I almost gagged! Never again. Haha.

6. Do you collect anything?
 Makeup, clothing, shoes… you know, typical girl. Haha.

7. Worst injury you ever had?
 Thank the Lord, i’ve never broken any bones yet! Hopefully I never will. But, I do have problems with one of my knees due to prior many many years of dance. Now, I can never workout without it aching me.

8. What is your favourite pet/animal?
 My puppy named Gidget!! She’s a Morkie. (Part Maltese/Part Yorkie.) –I am in LOVEEEEE.

9. What’s your dream vacation?
 I’ve always wanted to travel to Rome and Paris. Just something so refreshing and desirable about traveling there. But.. the beach will forever be my favorite place to go for relaxing vacations. Nothing could replace it–in my eyes.

10. Honestly, are things going the way you planned?
 Thankfully, the Lord has blessed me and my hubby’s marriage. It has gone amazingly so far, and I pray that He continues to bless our relationship. When struggles do arise, I know that God will take care of us and bring us through the hard times and only make our marriage stronger.

11. Do you have any tattoos?
 Yes, 3. Infinity symbol with cross on inner side of my right index finger, small cross on inner right ankle (had to get one that looked cute in heels 😉 ) and roman numerals of our wedding date down my spine.

12. What’s your secret to lure in the opposite sex?
 I’m married… I don’t lure!!!!! Haha!

13. Any phobias?
 Hmm.. does my fear of death count as a phobia? If so, then that would have to be the answer.

14. Do you bite your nails?

15. Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
 Nah.. not normally! Although, I have caught myself doing it at times.

16. Heels or flats?
 Heels and really cute sandals 😉

17. Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
37– HA! Just kidding. No, I haven’t.

18. Do you always smile for pictures?
Yes.. 😀

19. Do you ever dance even if there’s no music playing?
Duh!! I grew up dancing.. I learned YEARS ago that no one needs music to have fun and dance your heart out!!!

20. Do you miss anyone right now?
YES. My hubby 😦

21. What’s your favourite colour?
I would have to say pink.

22. Do you want kids?
Yes. We want 2 sweet little ones. 🙂

23. Are you patient?
Haha.. sometimes yes, sometimes no. Like, whenever i’m in line at Wal-mart? no.

24. Can you swim?
Yes. I love it ❤

25. Tea or coffee?
Sweet tea and Starbucks frapp’s!

26. What do you wear to bed?
Majority of the time–Oversized t-shirts!  Although, I do love the silky, feminine pjs too! 😉

27. Ever used a gun?
Yes–I have two! A handgun (which is teal and black 😉 ) and a rifle.

28. Do you sing in the shower?
Oh yeah.

29. Are you stubborn?
Tbh. I can be sometimes.. but if i’ve learned anything with being married thus far–one thing is that it is not good to be stubborn. You need to work together, putting aside your differences. Thankfully–we are pretty good at this. 🙂

30. Are you lazy?
I can be at times!  Sometimes-relaxation-is a good thing!

31. Can you change the oil in a car?
Nope. Hubby and daddy take care of that for me 🙂

32. When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
Hmm.. oh wow. It’s be awhile!

33. Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?
HA! I have way more respect for myself and my husband than to do anything like that!!

34. What is your favourite food?
Johnny’s Pizza 🙂 ..if you’re from Louisiana, then you know EXACTLY what I am talking about!

35. Do you still watch cartoons?
Oh yes. Most definitely 🙂

36. What movie(s) can you watch over and over again and not get bored?
I dont know.. there are quite a few! Usually, if it’s a movie that I like, and haven’t watched it in a while, then I enjoy it over and over again 🙂

37. What superpower would you have for one day?
Hmm.. I think any superpowers could have its cons. So, I don’t really know.

38. What’s been your favourite age so far?
23, because that’s whenever I married the love of my life! 🙂

39. How old are you? 24

***did i accidentally delete number 40?!? OOPS!!!!!

41. If you knew you would die in one week, what would you do?
Tell anyone and everyone that matters to me, just how much that I love them and how much they mean to me! And then, take a getaway trip with just me and my husband–spending time just the two of us.

42. What celebrity would you trade lives with?
I don’t think that I would.

43. Do people ever take you seriously?
I would hope so! Haha.

44. What happened the last time you cried?
I was having to leave Texas to come back home from staying the weekend where my husband is working 😦

45. Who knows you best?
It would have to be between my husband, and my mom.

46. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
Closed! Haha.

47. What is your song of the week?
Something Bad-Miranda Lambert & Carrie Underwood

48. Last person you kissed?
Hubby 🙂

49. Best thing to eat for breakfast?
It’s been a smoothie for me here lately!

50. Does anyone know the password to your email?
Nope, don’t think so!

I truly enjoyed doing this tag! I would love it if any of y’all who would like to do this tag would then tag me so that I can read y’all’s answers to the questions!! 🙂

Until next time, lovelies!



FIRST IMPRESSION-Sephora “los cabos” MATTE Bronzing Powder

Hello again, Lovelies!

For so long I have been using the N.Y.C. matte bronzer in the shade “Sunny.” It was always a good matte bronzer (which are my favorite) and was definitely on the cheaper side! So, what could be better? Haha. But, I definitely wanted to try out something different after several years of using only that bronzer. Going into Sephora, I originally went in search of possibly purchasing the new Kat Von D Shade + Light Contour Palette. The beauty “guru” that I follow on YouTube: Meg ( ) recommended trying it. I really wanted to purchase it, and still will very possibly purchase it in the near future. But as I looked around Sephora, I noticed this specific bronzer from their cosmetic line (Los Cabos-matte), and I decided to give it a try! I knew that if I really loved it.. then I just saved about $30 for the time being!


Sephora MATTE Bronzing Powder in “Los Cabos”  (photo:

I am definitely a girl with a fair-er completion which always makes me very nervous and hesitant in purchasing bronzers. I never want to spend money on a certain bronzer and then it end up looking SUPER harsh on my skin.

First impression: LOVE!!!!!!! (did you catch all of the exclamation marks?) I couldn’t have been more pleased with the color pay off (up against my skin tone of course) and the overall quality of the product. I love this bronzer, and I think that even someone who has a medium skin tone-and maybe does not want a very harsh bronzer-would love it. So-i’m highly recommending the Sephora bronzing powder.

Please feel free to leave any comments below on new beauty items you may have tried out recently – and whether you would give them a “thumbs up” or “thumbs down”! Also, if you have tried the new Kat Von D Shade + Light palette-leave a comment below and let me know what your thoughts and first impression was on it! Would love to hear from y’all!

Until next time, lovelies!

